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CDS with a similar description: protein kinase domain containing protein

CDS descriptionCDS accessionIslandHost Description
protein kinase domain containing proteinNC_010575:1151560:1169230NC_010575:1151560Babesia bovis T2Bo chromosome 3, complete sequence
protein kinase domain containing proteinNC_020404:597500:610753NC_020404:597500Plasmodium cynomolgi strain B DNA, chromosome 11, whole genome
Protein kinase domain containing proteinNC_009910:776240:784803NC_009910:776240Plasmodium vivax SaI-1 chromosome 5, whole genome shotgun sequence
protein kinase domain containing proteinNC_009913:1040000:1061141NC_009913:1040000Plasmodium vivax SaI-1 chromosome 8, whole genome shotgun sequence
Protein kinase domain containing proteinNC_009914:1762000:1772727NC_009914:1762000Plasmodium vivax SaI-1 chromosome 9, whole genome shotgun sequence