Pre_GI Gene

Host: NC_016822:3420826 NEIGHBOURS BLASTN Download Island sequence Download Island gene sequence(s)

NC_016822:3420826 Shigella sonnei 53G, complete genome

Host Lineage: Shigella sonnei; Shigella; Enterobacteriaceae; Enterobacteriales; Proteobacteria; Bacteria

General Information: This genus is named for the Japanese scientist (Shiga) who first discovered these organisms in the 1890s. They are closely related to the Escherichia group, and may be considered the same species. These organisms are human-specific pathogens that are transmitted via contaminated food and water and are the leading causes of endemic bacillary dysentery, causing over 160 million cases of infection and 1 million deaths yearly worldwide. The bacteria infect the epithelial lining of the colon, causing acute inflammation by entering the host cell cytoplasm and spreading intercellularly. are extremely virulent organisms that can cause an active infection after a very low exposure. Both the type III secretion system, which delivers effector molecules into the host cell, and some of the translocated effectors such as the invasion plasmid antigens (Ipas), are encoded on the plasmid. The bacterium produces a surface protein that localizes to one pole of the cell (IcsA) which binds to and promotes actin polymerization, resulting in movement of the bacterium through the cell cytoplasm, and eventually to neighboring cells, which results in inflammatory destruction of the mucosal lining. This organism is the leading cause of dysentery in industrialized countries. The disease is usually less severe than other types of Shigella, causing mild diarrhea and dehydration.

StartEndLengthCDS descriptionQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
342082634218451020putative transposase IS110 family proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34221943422421228Prophage integraseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
342287334263883516superfamily I DNA helicaseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34264533426755303IS600 orf1QuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34268963427609714hypothetical proteinBLASTP
34280163428360345transposase IS110 family proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34283573428611255truncated transposaseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34286893428913225hypothetical protein
34290043429765762putative plasmid transfer proteinQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
343012734339843858serine proteaseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34340313434612582hypothetical proteinBLASTP
34349043435179276IS1 repressor protein InsAQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34350983435601504IS1 ORF2QuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34356123436172561integraseQuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34363133436615303IS600 orf1QuickGO ontologyBLASTP
34367823437465684hypothetical proteinBLASTP
34374623438367906hypothetical proteinBLASTP
343836434394341071hypothetical proteinBLASTP