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n1_4mer:GRV/n1_4mer:RV = (Global Relative Variance of OU patterns) / (Local Relative Variance of OU patterns)

n0_4mer:D = Distance between local and global OU patterns

n0_4mer:PS = Distance between 2 strands of same DNA molecule

Selected loci indicated by large D, increased GRV associated with decreased RV and moderate increase in PS

NC_016524: Tetrapisispora phaffii CBS 4417 chromosome 5, complete genome

NCBI: NC_016524

Islands with an asterisk (*) contain ribosomal proteins or RNA related elements and may indicate a False Positive Prediction!

#StartEndLengthIsland TextGRV_RVDPSBLASTNKey Word ConfirmationDownload Island
158653*8259923947Island text2.1222621.07221.7353-58653.gbk
2113447*13809924653Island text1.6166415.737519.4664BLASTN+113447.gbk
322317024670223533Island text1.7537817.267216.0365-223170.gbk
429255531609923545Island text2.0870517.198625.0784-292555.gbk
545259347759925007Island text1.7105718.707921.6052BLASTN-452593.gbk
654489356994625054Island text2.6667420.544319.9147-544893.gbk
767075669812427369Island text1.357214.998817.7244-670756.gbk
876665679611829463Island text1.8231518.420421.505BLASTN-766656.gbk