How to cite:

Clasen FJ, Pierneef RE, Slippers B, Reva O. EuGI: a novel resource for studying genomic islands to facilitate horizontal gene transfer detection in eukaryotes. BMC Genomics. 2018 May 3;19(1):323. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4724-8.

Eukaryotic chromsomes analyzed ( 841 )
Predicted genomic islands ( 5,299 )
Last update ( 21 September 2018 )

About This Project

EuGI database is a web-based resource which forms part of the SeqWord Project. This dynamic database aids in genomic island research of eukaryotes and is frequently updated to ensure the inclusion of significant and novel data with users able to browse present genomic islands or search and compare with their own genomic islands. The EuGI database is the first for eukaryotic genomic islands.

GI prediction

EuGI database houses genomic islands predicted by the SeqWord Genomic Island Sniffer v2.0 program using oligonucleotide signatures of the genomic fragments.

How to use

Browse EuGI Database may be used to browse currently residing genomic islands. The hyperlink will display a list of current analyzed eukaryotic sources. The list can be scrolled down to find a source or the source accession and source description fields may be used to aid the search. Each accession number is hyperlinked to display all predicted genomic islands for the source. Genomic islands may be inspected by the hyperlink on the genomic island start location.

Browse by gene annotation may be used to browse against the database with the aid of gene annotations. This will identify similar gene annotations in the database and the genomic islands they occur in.

Search by location may be used to search against the database with the aid of source accession and genomic island locational start and stop. This will identify any overlaps with the database.

BLASTN will identify hits with a novel query nucleotide sequence against the database. This hyperlink will enable sequence similarity comparisons to the database.

Compositional similarity utilize oligonucleotide usage patterns, 4-mers, to compare compositional similarity. Novel genomic island nucleotide sequences may be entered to identify hits above 75% similarity.

Upload for analysis allows for upload of either a fasta or genbank file for analysis. This application performs gi prediction and comparison against the database concurrently.

Download SWGIS to get a copy of the standalone island identifier program.